Custom Translations

Custom Translations

Translation customization can be done by edit the translation key, add or remove keys and add or remove locales.


Managing translations can be done in Translations section of ROQ console or directly go here (opens in a new tab) if you are already logged in. The default translation for the generated application is in English (en-US) language.

Generated application translation default

You can edit the translation by using Controls edit button. Within this translation editor, you can also edit the translation for another language, such as for German (de-DE), etc.

To check the status of a specific translated language, you can choose the locale from the Select Locale dropdown and then sort it by Status. For example, to sort untranslated keys for the German (de-DE) language, you can select Untranslated status.

Sort untranslated key

Changes will be shown in the UI components after a few minutes because of the browser's caching system.

Translation Keys

Adding translation key is easy, go to the Keys menu and then click the + Create key button.

Add new key

After the translation key is created, it will be available for all the locales and by default it will be placed on the first row of the translation list.


The translation key is unique so you cannot add the same key.


To manage locales, go to the Locales menu and to add a new locale, click the + Add Locale button. For example to add application support for Arabic (ar-SA) locale

Add new locale

You can also set the default locale to be used for the generated application by checkmark Set As Default checbox.


You cannot remove a locale as long as there are translated texts using this locale.